Prayer at Konponchudo of Enryakuji on Mt. Hiei
Prayer get together 2020 at Konponchudo of Enryakuji on Mt. Hiei 比叡山延暦寺親善大使、森友嵐士氏の「祈りの集い2020年」

The Eternal Dharma Light livestream from Mt. Hiei, Japan
The light emitted from the hanging lanterns in front of Yakushi Nyorai sama is known as the Eternal Dharma Light. It has burned...

Fumetsu no Hoto livestream from Mt. Hiei
Fumetsu no Hoto (不滅の法灯) The enternal Dharma Light Mt Hiei Enryakuji To view livestream, * CLICK IMAGE * to open Hieizan Enryakuji...

Sanno Festival Live Stream
4月14日(火)深夜2時30分より、延暦寺・日吉大社から回峰行者や朝事、護摩供などを生中継します なお、タイムスケジュールはスレッドにてお知らせします詳細・ご視聴 比叡山延暦寺・日吉大社から山王祭例祭などを生中継 Live broadcasting of the Sanno...

Sange-e Manadala Li-hoyo Service
4/21 10:00〜 胎蔵界曼荼羅供を生放送します 4/21 10:00am (Japan Time) Hieizan Enryakuji, Sange-e Mandala Li-hoyo Service, Broadcast live on the internet....

Enryakuji New Year's Live Broadcast
View the new year's even ceremonies of Enryakuji- the main temple of the Tendai denomination located in Kyoto, Japan.

9-hour tour of Hieizan Enryakuji
What is Hieizan Enryakuji? Take a tour to visit the main temple and facilities.

Tozu Seppo
Tozu Seppo, Tendai Buddhism