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Rev. Dr. Ryoei (了栄) Tyler

Chair of the International Division of Enryakuji Issan Gyokobo

Abbot of Tendaisyu 天台宗USA Kongosan Eigenji金剛山叡元寺


Rev. Dr. Ryoei Tyler was born into a family whose ancestral grave is with Tendaisyu temple in Japan.


Dr. Tyler graduated from the University of California with a Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics. She received a Honzan Tokudo (本山得度) ordination at Enryakuji (延暦寺), which is the principle temple of Tendaisyu in Shiga Japan. Her shiso (師僧) teacher was late Archbishop Ryokan Ara (大僧正荒了寛) who was the founder of  Tendaisyu Hawaii Betsuin. Dr. Tyler has fully completed the Shidoke-Gyo (四度加行) with a teaching certificate at the Hieizan Gyoin (比叡山行院) training center on Mt. Hiei (比叡山) in Japan.


She has the title of Grand Ajari (大阿闍梨) and in addition, she received the title of Overseas Missionary (海外開教師) issued by Handa Koujyun Ozasu-sama, and Morikawa Kouei Ozasu-sama respectively. (Ozasu-sama is the principle priest of Enryakuji). She is  the Chief Overseas Missionary of Enryakuji Issan Gyokobo, and in that capacity, she is helping to propagate Tendai Buddhism outside of Japan. She offers training to those who wish to become Tendai Priests, confers Tokudo Ordination, and gives further training after Tokudo ordination.


Dr. Tyler regularly gives sutra chanting and discussion sessions, Tendai shikan (止観) meditation classes, dharani chanting, and Syakyo (写経) classes for all those who seek the teachings of Buddhism.








Rev. Dr. Ryoei (了栄) Tyler

Chair of the International Division of Enryakuji Issan Gyokobo

Abbot of Tendaisyu 天台宗USA Kongosan Eigenji金剛山叡元寺


Rev. Dr. Ryoei Tyler was born into a family whose ancestral grave is with Tendaisyu temple in Japan.


Dr. Tyler graduated from the University of California with a Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics. She received a Honzan Tokudo (本山得度) ordination at Enryakuji (延暦寺), which is the principle temple of Tendaisyu in Shiga Japan. Her shiso (師僧) teacher was late Archbishop Ryokan Ara (大僧正荒了寛) who was the founder of  Tendaisyu Hawaii Betsuin. Dr. Tyler has fully completed the Shidoke-Gyo (四度加行) with a teaching certificate at the Hieizan Gyoin (比叡山行院) training center on Mt. Hiei (比叡山) in Japan.


She has the title of Grand Ajari (大阿闍梨) and in addition, she received the title of Overseas Missionary (海外開教師) issued by Handa Koujyun Ozasu-sama, and Morikawa Kouei Ozasu-sama respectively. (Ozasu-sama is the principle priest of Enryakuji). She is  the Chief Overseas Missionary of Enryakuji Issan Gyokobo, and in that capacity, she is helping to propagate Tendai Buddhism outside of Japan. She offers training to those who wish to become Tendai Priests, confers Tokudo Ordination, and gives further training after Tokudo ordination.


Dr. Tyler regularly gives sutra chanting and discussion sessions, Tendai shikan (止観) meditation classes, dharani chanting, and Syakyo (写経) classes for all those who seek the teachings of Buddhism.








Rev. Dr. Ryoei (了栄) Tyler

Chair of the International Division of Enryakuji Issan Gyokobo

Abbot of Tendaisyu 天台宗USA Kongosan Eigenji金剛山叡元寺


Rev. Dr. Ryoei Tyler was born into a family whose ancestral grave is with Tendaisyu temple in Japan.


Dr. Tyler graduated from the University of California with a Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics. She received a Honzan Tokudo (本山得度) ordination at Enryakuji (延暦寺), which is the principle temple of Tendaisyu in Shiga Japan. Her shiso (師僧) teacher was late Archbishop Ryokan Ara (大僧正荒了寛) who was the founder of  Tendaisyu Hawaii Betsuin. Dr. Tyler has fully completed the Shidoke-Gyo (四度加行) with a teaching certificate at the Hieizan Gyoin (比叡山行院) training center on Mt. Hiei (比叡山) in Japan.


She has the title of Grand Ajari (大阿闍梨) and in addition, she received the title of Overseas Missionary (海外開教師) issued by Handa Koujyun Ozasu-sama, and Morikawa Kouei Ozasu-sama respectively. (Ozasu-sama is the principle priest of Enryakuji). She is  the Chief Overseas Missionary of Enryakuji Issan Gyokobo, and in that capacity, she is helping to propagate Tendai Buddhism outside of Japan. She offers training to those who wish to become Tendai Priests, confers Tokudo Ordination, and gives further training after Tokudo ordination.


Dr. Tyler regularly gives sutra chanting and discussion sessions, Tendai shikan (止観) meditation classes, dharani chanting, and Syakyo (写経) classes for all those who seek the teachings of Buddhism.








Rev. Dr. Ryoei (了栄) Tyler

Chair of the International Division of Enryakuji Issan Gyokobo

Abbot of Tendaisyu 天台宗USA Kongosan Eigenji金剛山叡元寺


Rev. Dr. Ryoei Tyler was born into a family whose ancestral grave is with Tendaisyu temple in Japan.


Dr. Tyler graduated from the University of California with a Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics. She received a Honzan Tokudo (本山得度) ordination at Enryakuji (延暦寺), which is the principle temple of Tendaisyu in Shiga Japan. Her shiso (師僧) teacher was late Archbishop Ryokan Ara (大僧正荒了寛) who was the founder of  Tendaisyu Hawaii Betsuin. Dr. Tyler has fully completed the Shidoke-Gyo (四度加行) with a teaching certificate at the Hieizan Gyoin (比叡山行院) training center on Mt. Hiei (比叡山) in Japan.


She has the title of Grand Ajari (大阿闍梨) and in addition, she received the title of Overseas Missionary (海外開教師) issued by Handa Koujyun Ozasu-sama, and Morikawa Kouei Ozasu-sama respectively. (Ozasu-sama is the principle priest of Enryakuji). She is  the Chief Overseas Missionary of Enryakuji Issan Gyokobo, and in that capacity, she is helping to propagate Tendai Buddhism outside of Japan. She offers training to those who wish to become Tendai Priests, confers Tokudo Ordination, and gives further training after Tokudo ordination.


Dr. Tyler regularly gives sutra chanting and discussion sessions, Tendai shikan (止観) meditation classes, dharani chanting, and Syakyo (写経) classes for all those who seek the teachings of Buddhism.








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